Friday, August 31, 2012
Science in the News! New Ocean Scorecard Gives World a 60%
Here is an interesting article from Time Magazine that grades the condition of the world's oceans. Enjoy!!
Oceans: A Basic Intro
Further Reading
Water Properties: The Facts and Figures About Water-
Powerpoint Presentation
Expected Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to
- locate the major oceans and seas on a map/globe
- discuss the chemical structure of water and discuss how that structure leads to important properties of water
- discuss other important properties of water
- describe the continental shelf
- discuss how light penetration and temperature depend on depth
- briefly discuss some important marine ecosystems
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Interesting Article: Being a Digital Native Isn't Enough
The fact that I grew up with black and white TV's, manual typewriters, and rotary phones officially qualifies me as an "old fart". Not surprisingly, old farts look at technology differently than the generation that has grown up with technology.
This article from a Scientific American Blog has an interesting perspective on how your generation uses technology. Take a look and let me know what you think.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The Earth- Basic Intro
Further Reading
The Solar System
Solar System Exploration-
The Earth
What is Earth?
Earth Overview-
The Seasons and Axis Tilt-
Powerpoint Presentation
Expected Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to
- discuss the three forms of matter and discuss the reason matter changes from one for to another
- explain why there is night and day
- explain why a day is approximately 24 long
- explain why day length is not the same everywhere on the planet
- explain why it is warmer at the equator than at the poles
- explain why we have seasons
- discuss the factors that influence the temperature on the Earth
Monday, August 27, 2012
Science in the News!! "Legitimate Rape"
‘Legitimate Rape’? Todd Akin and Other Politicians Who Confused Science
Read more:
Read more:
Get to Know Your FYE Mentors
Brieann McDaniel
Hey Guys! I'm Brieann McDaniel and I am originally from Houston, Texas. I am a sophomore psychology major with a pre-med track. When I graduate I would like to continue on to medical school and become a criminal psychiatrist. I am really excited about being a mentor this fall and hope that all of you enjoy your honors college experience as much as I have. Good Luck!
Brendan Snyder
I'm Brendan Snyder and I'm from Fort Worth! I am a Junior Management and Marketing double major, and plan on getting my masters in Sports Management after I graduate. I am a very outdoorsy person and love playing sports (seriously, it's about all I do). This is my second year as an honors mentor and I'm very excited to be given the opportunity again, it should be a fun semester! I look forward to meeting everyone tomorrow in class.
Hey Guys! I'm Brieann McDaniel and I am originally from Houston, Texas. I am a sophomore psychology major with a pre-med track. When I graduate I would like to continue on to medical school and become a criminal psychiatrist. I am really excited about being a mentor this fall and hope that all of you enjoy your honors college experience as much as I have. Good Luck!
Brendan Snyder
I'm Brendan Snyder and I'm from Fort Worth! I am a Junior Management and Marketing double major, and plan on getting my masters in Sports Management after I graduate. I am a very outdoorsy person and love playing sports (seriously, it's about all I do). This is my second year as an honors mentor and I'm very excited to be given the opportunity again, it should be a fun semester! I look forward to meeting everyone tomorrow in class.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
“The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.” Albert Einstein
What is Science?
Science is a way of learning about the world. Other ways of learning about the world include philosophy and religion.
Science is differentiated from alternative ways of learning about the world by
1) what it studies
2) how it studies it
(a) Science deals with the natural world and assumes that the world is governed by “natural laws” (I don’t spend too much time worrying about where these laws came from, I just accept that they exist)and (b) science only studies things that can be observed
Religion, on the other hand, deals with the supernatural, so science simply can’t study it.
Scientists learn about the world using the scientific method. Scientists use observations and experiments to test predictions of hypotheses. Thus, data determines “truth” in science. Religious truth often relies on “revelations” not data.
Thus, science and religion differ on what they can study and how they study it. Here is the critical question- which way of learning about the world is best? Any particular method is not the best, they are complementary ways of learning about the world and each works best within its intended boundaries. For example, science has nothing to say about religion, faith, or God.
My suggestion is that if you want to study observable phenomena that take place in the natural world then science is the best approach. We spend our lives surrounded by the applied knowledge that comes from using the process of science.
Think about a couple of examples
1) you come out in the morning and you can’t start your car.
Possible hypotheses
- you left your lights on and the battery has gone dead
- something is wrong with the starter
Where do these hypotheses come from? The knowledge that engines run according the laws of physics and chemistry helps us to understand how they work.
Alternative hypotheses
- you ran over a fairy on the way home last night and they are punishing you
- your neighbor is a witch and has put a hex on your car because your dog barks too much
We are likely to laugh at these alternative hypotheses because we understand the mechanical basis of car problems. Who do you take your car to for repairs- (i) Gus the mechanic (who whether he knows it or not uses his knowledge of physics and chemistry to diagnose what is wrong and repair your car) or (ii) Princess Fatima the Gypsy around the corner? Obviously, we choose Gus.
2) What do you do if you get sick?
The most obvious answer is that you go to the Doctor and do what they tell you. Certainly you might ask people to pray for you or pray for yourself. Some religions (e.g., Christian Scientists) rely on spiritual healing alone and will not take their children to the doctor when they are sick. I doubt that most people around here would support that position.
What is science? from Understanding Science: How Science Really Works. UC Berkeley
For an interesting discussion of the difference between "belief knowledge" and "research knowledge" check out "What is science?" by Bruce Tiffney from the University of California Museum of Paleontology
Expected Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to
- define science
- distinguish science from other ways of learning about the world
- articulate their personal view of how science relates to their everyday life
The Mark McGinley Story
Here is the perfect cure for insomnia!
The Formative Years
I was born in Corpus Christi, TX and after a couple of moves we ended up in Rosenberg, (near Houston) where I attended grade school. I was interested in biology from an early age; I watched Marlin Perkins and Jacque Cousteau (your parents should know who they are) and I spent a lot of time outdoors on family camping and fishing trips. Even though I grew up near Houston during the Apollo years, I always thought that it would be much cooler to be a biologist than an astronaut.
When I was in the sixth grade my family moved to Australia for four years. This was an amazing life change for a kid who thought that the annual trip to my grandparents’ house in Oklahoma was a big deal. I had the incomparable experience of living in another country and experiencing a whole new way of life. Probably the biggest difference between Australia and the U.S. was the schools. I went to an all-boys English-style, private school where we had to wear uniforms (suits and ties) and straw boater hats to class everyday (this probably explains my preferred style of dress today).
The move also provided me with the opportunity to travel the world. During trips through Europe and Asia we saw many places of historical and cultural interest. Among my favorites were the Coliseum in Rome, the Tower of London, and Mt. Fuji in Japan. More importantly, my travels exposed me to many new biological experiences including seeing hippos, gazelles, elephants, and a cheetah in South Africa, snorkeling and beachcombing in Hawaii, Tahiti, Fiji, and the Great Barrier Reef, chasing emus through the Australian outback, watching a male lyrebird do his mating dance, watching fairy penguins come ashore for the night off of the coast of southern Australia, and many sightings of other Australian wildlife including kangaroos and koalas (how many people do you know that have ever seen a koala running along the ground?).
During the summer before my sophomore year in high school we moved to Thousand Oaks, CA (old-timers will remember TO as the former summer home of the Dallas Cowboys before they were ruined by Jerry Jones) where I graduated from high school. During my senior year I spent a week studying ecology and philosophy in Yosemite National Park and this trip confirmed by desire to be a biologist.
I enrolled at the University of California, Santa Barbara to study biology. UCSB is an incredible place to go to school (I could see the ocean from my bedroom window three out of the four years that I was there) and it also happened to have one of the best ecology programs in the world. Joe Connell (one of the most influential ecologist of our era) taught the ecology section of my intro biology course and also taught my first ecology course, so it is probably his fault that I am here today because after finishing his course I knew that I wanted to be an ecologist. Later, after taking courses from Steve Rothstein and Bob Warner, I became interested in behavioral and evolutionary ecology and I decided to go to grad school to study behavioral ecology. I went to Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS which was a pretty big change from UCSB. I enjoyed K-State (I learned to bleed purple for Wildcat basketball) and I was lucky to be able to spend summers working for my advisor Chris Smith at the Mountain Research Station in Colorado studying pollination in lodgepole pine. My Masters Thesis extended optimal foraging models to examine woodrats foraging for non-food items (sticks that they use to build their houses). I also did a theoretical study examining how food stress should affect sex ratios. I earned a Ph. D. at the University in Salt Lake City. For my Ph. D. thesis with Jon Seger, I developed models and conducted experiments to understand the causes of seed size variation in plants. During my little free time, I played volleyball with the U of U Volleyball Club team and I was probably the only person in the whole city who did not ski (I still don’t see the point of intentionally getting cold). I spent two years working as a post-doctoral researcher with Dave Tilman at the University of Minnesota. Our research focused on succession in old fields at Cedar Creek Natural History Area just north of Minneapolis.
Life at Texas Tech
I started as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Texas Tech University in 1991. I am currently an Associate Professor with a joint position in the Honors College and the Department of Biological Sciences. In the Honors College I work closely with the Natural History and Humanities degree (this degree progam recently changed it's name to Environment and the Humanities(
I teach a wide variety of classes at Tech. Two of my favorite courses are Tropical Marine Biology (taught in Jamaica and Belize) and the Rio Grande Class (we take a week-long canoe trip through Big Bend over Spring Break). For the past 6 summers I have worked as a scuba instructor and marine biologist with Odyssey Expeditions leading sailing and scuba trips through the Caribbean (British Virgin Islands, Martinique, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent & the Grenadines).
For several years I conducted ecological research in the sand shinnery oak community in West Texas. My current interests are in science curriculum development, environmental education, and informatl science education. I serve as a member of the Stewardship Committee of the Environmental Information Coalition and as an Associate Editor for the Encyclopedia of the Earth ( In the Malaysian Bat Education Adventure we are using the ecology of Malaysian Bats as the focus of an integrated science curriculum for students in Kindergarten through 8th grade.
Development Leave in Malaysia
In 2010-2011 I spent 11 months as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar in Malaysia. While I was there I was a Visiting Professor in the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity at the University of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. I taught a course, worked with Malaysian scholars, and spent a lot of time travelling around and learning more about Malaysia. I was able to see lots of interesting biology in the rainforests and coral reefs. How many people do you know who have seen a wild Orangutan, a Borneo Pygmy Elephant, and have had a sea turtle lay eggs in their hand? I had a great time over there (what I am doing back in LBK?)!
To see more about my adventures check out my blog
I enjoy traveling and I have been able to explore my passion for scuba diving on dive trips in Texas (San Solomon Springs in Balmorhea and the Flower Garden Banks) throughout the Caribbean as well as Yap, Palau, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Galapagos Islands . I just returned from a trip to the Philippines and Malaysia. My favorite marine critters include hammerhead sharks, pygmy sea horses, frog fish, and “the pea”.
Course Syllabus
Integrated Science- FYE Fall 2012
HONS 2406-H01 & 2406-H51
MWF 10:00 – 10:50. English & Philosphy 304 (lecture)
Th 2 – 4:50. English & Philosophy 304 (lab)
Dr. Mark McGinley
Room 215 McClelland Hall
Office Hours:
T-Th- 10-11 or by appointment
I encourage you to make an appointment to meet with me if you need
to see me. The easiest ways to do this are (1) to talk to me either before or
after class or (2) to send me an email listing times when you are available to
meet with me and then I will let you know which works best for me.
Course Outline
This course offers an integrated introduction to oceanography,
earth science, atmospheric science, and
life science. In particular, this course
will examine how the physical environment influences the biotic
environment. The course will consist of
a combination of lectures, group discussions, writing workshops, and laboratory
work. This course will be writing intensive.
The objective of the study of natural science component of a core
curriculum is to enable the student to understand, construct, and evaluate
relationships in natural sciences, and to enable the student to understand the
bases for building and testing theories.
The natural sciences investigate the phenomena of the physical world.
Students graduating from Texas Tech University should be able to
explain some of the major concepts in the natural sciences and demonstrate an
understanding of scientific approaches to problem solving, including ethics.
Student Absence for Observation of Religious Holy Days
A student who is absent from classes for the observation of a
religious holy day shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an
assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after the absence
if, not later than the fifteenth day after the first day of the semester, the
student had notified the instructor of each scheduled class that the student
would be absent for a religious holy day.
Academic Integrity.
Texas Tech University faculty strive to foster a spirit of
complete honesty and high standards of integrity. Any attempt by students to
present as their own work any work not honestly performed is regarded by
faculty and administration as a most serious offence and renders offenders
liable to serious consequences, possibly suspension from the university.
“Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism,
collusion, falsifying academic records, misrepresenting facts, and any act
designed to give an unfair academic advantage to a student. A detailed list of offenses
is available in the Code of Student Conduct, found in Part IX, pp. 20-21 in the
current Student Handbook, available on line at:
Any student who, because of a disability, may require special
arrangements in order to meet the course requirements should contact the
instructor as soon as possible to make any necessary arrangements. Students
should present appropriate verification from Student Disability Services during
the instructor’s office hours. Please note instructors are not allowed to
provide classroom accommodations to a student until
appropriate verification from Student Disability Services has been
provided. For additional information, you may contact the Student Disability
Services office at 335 West Hall or 806-742-2405.
Expected Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, a fully-engaged student will be
able to:
1. Discuss important theories in ocean, earth, and life sciences.
assessed by performance in class discussions, exams, presentation, and written
2. “Think critically” about environmental issues. assessed by
performance in class discussions, exams, presentation, and written papers
3. Write about scientific issues. assessed by performance on written
papers and exams
4. Demostrate their understanding of the scientific method by
designing, conducting, analyzing, evaluating, and reporting on the results of
an independent scientific investigation.
Your grade in
this course will include your performance in both the lecture and the lab
section of the course. The lecture
portion of the course will count for 75% of your grade and the lab portion will
count for the remaining 25%.
Lecture Grade
Midterm exam 15%
Final exam 15%
Participation in workshops, online, and discussion 10%
Writing assignments 30%
Term paper 15%
Presentation 15%
Lab Grade
Homework, quizzes and participation 25%
Statistics Midterm Exam 25%
Statistics Midterm Exam 25%
Research Project and written research report 50%
Midterm and Final Exam
The written midterm and final exams will cover material discussed
in lectures and discussions.
Writing Assignments
These papers will be two pages maximum double spaced.
You will turn in a draft of this paper that will be critiqued by
your classmates and me during a “Workshop” class period.
You can revise your paper and turn in a final copy of paper to be
Presentation and Term Paper
Each student will choose a topic and write a 5 page term paper and
give a presentation to the class on that topic (more details to follow).
It is extremely important
that all assignments be turned in on time!!!
Course Blog
I have created a blog for this course. This blog will be an
important means of communication between us so I encourage you to check the
blog early and often. The blog is located at
Hopefully, most of your questions about the details of the class will be
answered somewhere on the blog.
Blog posts will include your reading assignments and occasionally
practice questions to check your learning. In addition, I will list specific
“expected learning outcomes” for each lesson to help you focus your study
Required Reading
There is no required textbook for this course. I will assign
readings throughout the semester on the course blog
Books About Writing
Writing well is important for effective communication. Thus,
improving your writing skills is an important component of this course. Here
are a couple of references that would be useful for you to have on your shelf
(and use) throughout your college career. (these books are not required).
The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves. The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation.
By Lynne Truss.
Very (Extremely) Tentative Lecture Schedule
Week 1. (August 27 - 31)
Critical Thinking
Planet Earth
Week 2. (September 5 - 7)
Monday- Labor Day Holiday
Online Assignment #1- Due September 7
Week 3. (September 10 - 14)
First Writing Assignment- Due September 14
Week 4. (September 17 - 21)
Monday- workshop papers
First Writing Assignment- Final Draft Due September 21
Week 5. (September 24 - 28)
Second Writing Assignment- Due September 28
Week 6. (October 1 - 5)
Monday- workshop papers
Atmospheric Science
Second Writing Assignment- Due October 5
Week 7. (October 8 - 12)
The Importance of the Physical Environment
Midterm Exam- Friday October 12th
Week 8. (October 15 - 19)
Evolutionary Ecology
Third Writing Assignment- Due October 19th
UPDATE- Writing Assignment 2 due
UPDATE- Writing Assignment 2 due
Week 9. (October 22 - 26)
Monday- workshop Writing Assignment 2
Population Ecology
UPDATE- Second Writing Assignment- Final Draft Due October 26
Week 10. (October 29 – November 2)
Population Ecology/Community Ecology
Week 11. (November 5 - 9)
Community Ecology
Week 12. (November 12 - 16)
Ecosystem Ecology
Student led discussions
Week 13. (November 19)
Student led discussions
Thanksgiving Holiday
Week 14. (November 26 - 30)
Student led discussions
Week 15. (December 3 - 5)
Student led discussions
Final Exam- Friday December 7th- 1:30 to 4:00 PM.
Required Book
The Process of Science. By Mark McGinley (get them from me, not the bookstore)
Expected Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to:
1. Define science and describe the process of science. Assessed by performance in quizzes and class discussion.
2. Discuss how scientists generate hypotheses. Assessed by performance on quizzes and class discussion.
3. Discuss when and why scientists need to use statistics and apply the appropriate statistical tests. Assessed by performance on quizzes and research project.
4. Develop a testable hypothesis and collect data to tests these hypotheses. Assessed by performance on research project.
5. Analyze the data and draw appropriate conclusions. Assessed by performance on research project.
6. Report your findings to a wider audience. Assessed by performance on research project final report
Course Schedule
August 30- Introduction
September 6- Chapters 1 and 2
September 13- Chapters 3 and 4, Appendix 1 (t-test)
September 20- Chapter 4 revisited and Chapters 5
September 27- Chapter 6 and 7
October 4- Practice with statistics
October 11- Statistics Midterm Exam
October 18- work on projects
October 25- work on projects
November 1- work on projects
November 8- work on projects
November 15- work on projects
November 22- Eat Turkey
November 29- complete projects
Final Paper Due by 5:00 PM Wednesday December 9th
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